Country of origin
We can provide you with information on the origin of goods in relation to the specific preferential rules of origin.
Directive 2011/65/EU II (ROHS II DAT 31.03.2015) & (EU) 2015/863 (ROHS III)
As a supplier of electrical equipment and components, we are in constant contact with our suppliers who assure us that they meet their RoHS responsibilities.
Based on our current knowledge, all our products comply with Directives 2011/65/EU II (RoHS II) and 2015/863/EU (RoHS III). In accordance with procedures established for this purpose, periodic testing takes place at our suppliers.
REACH-substances of very high concern (SVHC)
De verordening van de Europese Unie inzake de registratie, beoordeling, autorisatie en beperking van chemicaliën (REACH) (2006/1907 / EG) is op 1 juni 2007 in werking getreden.
Als leverancier van elektrotechnisch materiaal en componenten houden wij actief toezicht op de kandidatenlijst van SHVC, dit geldt eveneens voor onze toeleveranciers: zo blijft de conformiteit binnen de keten gewaarborgd.
Download the declaration as pdf:
Calpe BV undertakes all necessary actions to ensure that the products comply with current regulations. Calpe BV cannot guarantee that the article data is always error-free, complete and up-to-date.
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Anthonie Fokkerstraat 53
3772 MP Barneveld
+31(0)342 45 15 44